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After 18 years of development, Hortiflorexpo IPM Shanghai/Beijing is now popularly acknowledged as the first step for international enterprises to establish themselves in China, now welcoming more than 700 companies from over 30 countries, as well as almost 300,000 professional visitors annually. It offers clear insight into the Chinese market through not only the show itself, but also its considerable events programme, including conferences, seminars and much more. In all, the show is becoming the "weather vane" of the Chinese floral and horticultural industry.

According to official data, 75% of Taobao's sellers are 'new entities' -- unsung as recently as three years ago, these budding-entrepreneurs have gradually risen in prominence as they are clearly in sync with young people's needs and more broadly with what customers are looking for nowadays. They are learning to create popular demand accordingly.

On November 11 alone (known as "Singles Day" in China and a widely popular bargain day on Taobao), flower and plant sales were doubled those compared to other normal days.

Seen as a Chinese version of Amazon, Taobao.com永春東二路英文補習班推薦 is currently the most popular online retail website in China. In one particular category on Taobao, sales are growing at an unusually rapid speed -- revenue for fresh flowers and green plants reached close to RMB10 billion last year with growth at 164.87%, the fastest in the agricultural sector.

With e-commerce already ubiquitous in China and the stronger trend towards ever more integrated technological development, great opportunity exists for the flower and gardening industry to surf this rising tide in embracing new revenue streams.

In May 2017, Hortiflorexpo IPM will be held in Shanghai, there for everyone interested in China's blossoming flower market. For details and registration, please visit http://www.hfexpo.org.

Furthermore, the Chinese government is already showing substantial support for the domestic flower and gardening market's development. The time is now ripe for enterprises to fully engage with e-commerce.

The future of the flower and gardening industry in China has never looked brighter. Over the last few years, the market structure has undergone big changes, with state-driven demand decreasing with public consumption making up the majority of consumption. People are realizing that flowers are necessary not only for a beautiful living space, but also a higher standard of living.

With the growing demand for flowers and plants, the Chinese floral industry is now developing at a fast but sustainable pace. Its market as well as the logistical and technical facilities are in the process of being refined both by florists and enterprises, transforming China into a more vibrant and open market, offering global flower and gardening companies stable business and a huge consumer-base.

The best way to take a closer look at the Chinese market is to visit the Hortiflorexpo IPM Shanghai/Beijing. The show is organized by the Chinese Flower Association (CFA), the only national flower association in China, taking place alternately in Shanghai and Beijing in the spring of each year. It has grown to become the largest trade show in the floricultural, horticultural and gardening industry in the whole of Asia.

-While Flower Sales Blossom Online, Face-to-face Communication Seeds New Potentials

SHANGHAI, June 15, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- The 19th edition of Asia's largest trade show in the floricultural, horticultural and garden industry,Hortiflorexpo IPM Shanghai, is to be held at the Shanghai New International Expo Center from May 10-12, 2017.


Ms. Catherine Cui or Ms Xinyi Dong

+86-21-62958367 or +86-21-62957551

cuilin@intex-sh.com; dongxinyi@intex-sh.com

To view the original version o景中巷英文補習班推薦n PR Newswire, visit:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/hortiflorexpo-ipm-shanghai-to-be-held-from-may-10-12-2017-300280513.html


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